Detailed Matters on Handling of
Personal Information

Marubeni Techno Systems Corporation
August 10th, 2024

1. Purpose of use of personal information

The Company may collect personal information as necessary to operate its businesses and use it for [the purpose of use] described below.

In addition, the Company may entrust all or a portion of these activities to third parties to conduct operation smoothly, in which case it shall provide personal information within the scope necessary for the Company to achieve the stated purpose of use. In this event, the Company will conclude an agreement with the subcontractor(s) regarding handling of personal information and shall exercise proper supervision thereof.

Company’s business

1. Export, import, sale, mediation, brokerage, leasing, installation, and after-sales service contracts related to various industrial machinery and associated materials.
2. Engineering management and consulting services related to the investigation, planning, and design associated with the preceding item.
3. Design, construction, and contracting of machinery installation work, telecommunications work, civil engineering work, architectural work, and concrete work, as well as the sale of associated materials.
4. Export, import, sale, and mediation or brokerage of used goods such as plastics and tires, as well as used goods related to item 1.
5. Acquisition, development, and sale of industrial property rights, know-how, system engineering, and other software.
6. Information processing, provision, and services related to communication information systems.
7. Freight transportation business.
8. All incidental business related to the preceding items.
9. Investment in other necessary businesses in addition to the preceding items.

Purpose of use

1. To conclude and execute agreements including provision of products and services, etc.; to manage signed agreements; and to provide follow-up services for offered products and services
2. To make necessary communication to provide products and services and to deliver products, etc.
3. To provide information about products and services and the Company’s business activities
4. To receive payments for products and services and to protect accounts receivable
5. To conduct market survey and to perform other research/study
6. To offer sweepstakes and to perform campaign activities, etc.
7. To send notifications on seminars and lecture meetings, etc.
8. To conclude and execute agreements with business partners; to manage signed agreements; and to make necessary communication with business partners, etc.
9. To conduct analysis on business partners
10. To implement various measures to build and maintain a smooth relationship with business partners, and to provide various conveniences
11. To send notifications on meetings and other events hosted by the Company or organizations to which the Company belongs, and to make necessary communication, etc.
12. To perform activities relating to CSR (corporate social responsibility)
13. To respond to inquiries and opinions received by the Company
14. To deliver corporate information to those who wish to or are expected to work for the Company and to make necessary communication
15. To maintain facilities, equipment and devices, and to manage the usage status thereof

2. Provision of personal information to third parties

All or a portion of collected personal information may be provided to third parties by means of written documents, postal mail, telephone, Internet, e-mail, advertising media, etc., even without persons’ prior consent, within the scope necessary to achieve any of the purposes of use listed in Section 1 above, except in cases in which such provision is made under the provisions of applicable laws and regulations.
When the Company provides collected personal information to third parties overseas, it will obtain persons’ consent, except where such provision is made under applicable laws and regulations.
* Personal information details that may be provided
Name, address, telephone number, e-mail address and other details within the scope necessary to achieve any of the purposes of use listed in Section 1 above.

3. Notice of purpose of use

When an individual wishes to be notified of the purpose of use for his/her information in connection with personal data retained by the Company, the Company will respond to such a request after verifying the identity of the requester (or his/her agent).
However, when notifying the person of the purpose of use is likely to harm the life, body, property, or other rights or interests of such person or third parties; or notification is likely to harm the rights or legitimate interests of the Company; or it is necessary to cooperate with a state organ or a local government in executing the affairs prescribed by laws and regulations and such notice is likely to impede the execution of such affairs; or it is considered that the purpose of use is clear in consideration of the circumstances of the acquisition, all or a portion of the purpose of use may not be disclosed.

4. Disclosure of personal information to the person himself/herself

When a person wishes for the disclosure of his/her information in connection with personal data retained by the Company or records on third party provision of such personal data (hereinafter referred to as the “retained personal data, etc.”), the Company will respond to such a request after verifying the identity of the requester (or his/her agent).
However, when disclosing personal information is likely to harm the life, body, property, or other rights or interests of the person or third parties; or disclosure is likely to seriously impede the proper execution of the business of the Company; or disclosure violates other laws and regulations, all or a portion of the information may not be disclosed.

5. Correction, addition or deletion of personal information

When a person wishes to be notified of correction, addition or deletion (collectively hereinafter “Correction, etc.”) of his/her information in connection with personal data retained by the Company, the Company will respond to such a request after verifying the identity of the requester (or his/her agent).
However, when the retained personal data is in accord with fact; or special procedures are prescribed by any other laws or regulations; or Correction, etc. is deemed unnecessary in consideration of the purpose of use, the Company may not be able to respond to such request.

6. Discontinuance of utilization and erasure of personal information

When a person wishes for discontinuance of utilization and erasure of his/her personal information (collectively hereinafter “Discontinuance of Utilization, etc.”) in connection with personal data retained by the Company, the Company will respond to such a request after verifying the identity of the requester (or his/her agent).
However, when the personal information is handled within the scope necessary to achieve a purpose of use that is specified in advance, collected with a proper method, or retained under applicable laws and regulations, the Company may not be able to respond to such request.
When discontinuance of utilization and erasure of all or a portion of the information is effectuated, the Company may not be able to offer services or make transactions in a manner that customer requests are satisfied.

7. Discontinuance of provision to third parties

When a person wishes to discontinue the provision of his/her personal information to third parties (hereinafter, “Discontinuance of Provision to third parties”) in connection with personal data retained by the Company, the Company will respond to such a request after verifying the identity of the requester (or his/her agent).
However, when such provision is made with the consent of the person or is accepted based on laws and regulations, the Company may not be able to respond to such request.

8. How to receive requests for disclosure, etc. and the point of contact

Please contact the following address by postal mail or use the inquiry form, regarding requests as stated in Sections 3 to 7 for the disclosure of personal data retained by the Company, or other issues including complaints and inquiries regarding personal information.

The Company is not able to respond to inquiries (including a visit to the Company’s office in person) except when submitted via a method specified. Thank you in advance for your understanding.

Point of contact
Marubeni Techno-Systems Corporation, HR & General Affairs Department
3-4-4, Nihonbashi-Muromachi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 103-0022, Japan

Please contact us by postal mail or this inquiry form